Old Joe Clark, he had a house
Eighteen stories high
Ev’ry story in that house
Was filled with chicken pie
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark
Fare ye well, I say
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark
I’m a-goin’ away
I went down to Old Joe’s house
Stayed to have some supper
Stubbed my toe on the table leg
And stuck my nose in the butter
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark
Fare ye well, I say
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark
I’m a-goin’ away
Raccoon has a bushy tail
‘Possum’s tail is bare
Rabbit has no tail at all
‘Cept a bunch of hair
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark
Fare ye well, I say
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark
I’m a-goin’ away
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